Net4Science and COST Action MuTaLig dissemination

In the third grant period of the COST Action CA15135 “Multi-target paradigm for innovative ligand identification in the drug discovery process (MuTaLig)” the MC management has indicated Net4Science as provider of some dissemination services related to this European cooperation, including more than 30 different countries. Net4Science is now managing about the website and has just created the YouTube Net4Science channel You can register for free at this channel and from today access to three tutorial videos related to the use of the Chemotheca tool . This is the first international collaboration of the Net4Science spin-off in the strategic field of the hi-quality scientific dissemination.

Tutorial Chemotheca – Part 1: Introduction and Registration

Tutorial Chemotheca – Part 2: Advanced Search Database

Tutorial Chemotheca – Part 3: Uploading-Editing Molecules
