Net4Science is fully involved in the PTRAIN Marie Skłodowska-Curie EU proposal

PTRAIN is the acronym of “Polypharmacology TRAIning Network”, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action dedicated to the first top-level training to a pool of talented ESRs working in the innovative and interdisciplinary field of polypharmacology. Its scope is to integrate various computational approaches with experimental medicinal chemistry within a superb collaborative European setting.

PTRAIN is organized into scientific six Work Packages (WPs). The first three WPs are mainly focusing on specific issues where the potential beneficiary Net4Science is able to give a consistent support, such as polypharmacology-based drug design and discovery, ligand-based and structure-based drug design, data-driven and statistical approaches, big data analysis, machine learning and artificial intelligence,
chemoinformatics, structural bioinformatics and network biology, big data analysis and database generation. The other three WPs are, instead, dedicated to Training, Dissemination and Management.

The network includes scientific leaders from nine top-ranking universities, three research centers, one International Organization of  uropean Interest and six internationally-recognized companies based on seven different EU countries, thus indicating the excellence of the project.

All the participants are world-renowned scientists actively involved in research and teaching, bringing in the network a variety of backgrounds and expertise and providing an excellent foundation for multi-disciplinary training. PTRAIN’s fellows will be exposed to both computational/experimental as well as academic/industrial settings, thus strengthening their training and capacity.
Participation to six schools and practical hands-on courses, e-lectures, secondments and work on common research topics, will warrant a unique training opportunity.

The project was submitted on January 14 th 2020 and is currently under evaluation.
