2nd Net4Science Workshop


“Scientific Research and Business Enhancement”
post-Covid opportunities for innovative SMEs

Live Webinar, December 18th 2020 – 09:00 / 13:00

In occasion of the second year of activity, it’s our pleasure to announce the 2nd Net4Science Workshop entitled “Scientific Research and Business Enhancementpost-Covid opportunities for innovative SMEs. Experts working in the nutraceutical-related field and local SMEs are invited to join the meeting and to discuss about hot topics. The 2nd workshop is organized in live webinar fashion in order to respect the Covid-19 restriction and to guarantee wide participation.

The live event is divided into two main sections:

  • The opportunity in the post-Covid scenario
  • Nutraceutical, Agri-Food, and Circular Economy

Special attention is given to the interactive round table. The notable local enterprises share with the audience the significant business experience.

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Sign up to YouTube Net4Science Channel and enjoy the replay ❗️

