Net4Science Organizing Committee
is glad to announce that the Scientific Programme and the Poster Gallery are out now!
You all are kindly invited to view the official conference webpage.
- The first activity of the meeting will start with the Virtual Poster Session on Twitter next Monday 19th to next Saturday 24th. The three most voted posters will be selected for a Flash Poster Communication of 3 min on July 28th, while three other posters will be selected by the Scientific Committee.
- PENP speakers will open each meeting day, followed by the PE Awarded sessions scheduled on July 26th and 27th, dedicated to the PE Award winners.
- Two Special Events are scheduled: the “Editor’s Corner: a Q&A session on best practices in publishing” on Tuesday 27th and the Social Event “PE Alumni meet again” on Wednesday 28th.
- During the PEVM2021, one PEEPA will be selected for free registration and talk for the SCT Young Research Fellows Meeting (YRFM, February 2022 – Nantes, France).
- The participants will receive the zoom link in the next few days.
We look forward to e-meet you at the incoming PEVM2021!
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